Who is Nicolás Maduro?

Nicolás Maduro is the current President of Venezuela, a South American country. He was born in 1962 in Caracas and has been in power since 2013. Maduro is a member of the United Socialist Party and follows the political path of Hugo Chávez, his predecessor. Before becoming president, Maduro was Venezuela’s Foreign Minister and Vice President.

Why is Maduro controversial?

Maduro’s leadership, which has had a profound impact on the lives of the Venezuelan people, has sparked significant controversy both in Venezuela and abroad.

  • Economic collapse: Under Maduro, Venezuela has suffered a severe economic downturn. The country faces extreme shortages of essential goods like food and medicine, and inflation has soared to unprecedented levels.
  • Power consolidation: Maduro is accused of undermining democracy by manipulating elections and sidelining the Venezuelan parliament to tighten his grip on power.
  • Human rights issues: International bodies, including the United Nations, have criticized Maduro for human rights violations, including repression of political opponents.

Maduro’s role today

Despite the ongoing crisis and international criticism, Maduro continues to hold power in Venezuela.

  • 2024 election: Maduro was declared the winner of the 2024 presidential election, though allegations of irregularities marred the process.
  • Political instability: Venezuela’s political climate remains unstable, with frequent protests and opposition challenges to Maduro’s rule.