Our earth

Our Earth is a special planet that we get to call home. It’s the third planet from the sun, and it’s the only place we know of in the whole universe where there is life.

The Earth is made up of lots of different parts. There’s the land, which is the solid ground we walk on and is made up of dirt, rocks, and other materials. There are also oceans, which are huge bodies of saltwater that cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface. And there’s the air, which is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and is what we breathe.

There are so many amazing things living on the Earth, like plants and animals. Some animals live in the ocean, like dolphins and whales. Some animals live on land, like dogs and cats. And some animals can even fly, like birds and bees.

The Earth also has a natural satellite, which is a fancy way of saying it has a moon that orbits around it. The moon is really cool because it helps us tell time and it causes the tides in the oceans.

We hope you enjoyed learning about the Earth! It’s a pretty amazing place and we’re lucky to call it home.

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